
Online Degree Database

Master of Analytics Degree

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Summary statistics for online Master of Analytics Degrees in the US for 2024:

Here are more details about the Master of Analytics Degree

This is a relatively new degree category that reflects the importance and growth in the use of Big Data in a business setting. There is a lack of standard naming conventions for this type of degree. Predictive analytics, business analytics, and other terms are currently used to name these degrees. However, despite the differences in degree names, the curriculum for this degree is usually somewhat similar. Most include a basic programming language, Marketing and Web Analytics, Database and Networks, Advanced Modeling Techniques, Data Visualization, and special topical areas. Analytics degrees that focus in fields outside of business are often called Data Science. There are another 26 online master’s degrees in the field of Data Science in our database.

Examples of industries using Big Data include Business, E-Commerce, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Science, Social Networking, Telecommunications, Politics, Utilities, and others. There is a strong need for individuals in many different roles, not just in STEM occupations, to learn data science skills. Management Consultants, Operations Research Analysts, Market Research Analysts, Engineers, Mathematicians, Statisticians, and Economists are examples of occupations in public and private enterprise where workers are likely to have the educational prerequisites (some exposure to programming and statistics/quantitative analysis) to ensure success in an analytics program and also have the interest in acquiring these skills because of their current work responsibilities or professional ambitions. Most of these occupations are projected to grow faster than the national average of 8% from 2016 to 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Advance Your Career By Searching Our Online Degree Database

If you’ve searched for online master’s degrees, you know that most websites you get are marketing companies who are paid to generate leads. These websites exist to get your name and contact information. They can pull you off track, waste your time, and cause you to settle for less than the best program for your career.

OnlineDegreeDatabase.com is a web-based, continually-updated, easily searchable database of almost all online master’s degrees in the United States. We are not a marketing company, so we will never ask for or sell your contact information. At no cost to you, we provide all the information you need to find the right online master’s degree to advance your career. So start searching now!

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