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Summary statistics for online Master of Health Informatics degrees in the United States for 2024:

Why get a Master of Health Informatics?

The formal definition of the field of health informatics says that it is the interdisciplinary study of the design, development, adoption, and application of information technology-based innovations in healthcare services delivery, management, and planning. People who work in this field often start in Medical Records at hospitals or medical practices as Health Information Technicians, and seek additional education through a degree program like this to become Medical and Health Services Managers. Promotions into management and leadership roles in Health Information Management come with significant salary increases. You can also enter this field with a business, human services, or social science background. What’s most important is that you love to work with data to answer important questions and solve problems.

Health Informatics is the health-focused side of data analytics. Prospective students for master’s degrees in this field are often required to have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 and have one to three years of relevant work experience. If you complete a master’s degree in this field you can expect to enter a rapidly evolving healthcare environment, which rewards individuals with strong analytical skills. Read more about the future of working in health care analytics here!

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