
Online Degree Database

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Online Degree Database™?

The Online Degree Database™ is the only independent and comprehensive source of information about online degree programs available in the market today. We gather program details directly from university online program websites and provide this detail to you in a format that allows you to easily compare program features.

Why is the Online Degree Database™ better than other sources of information?

The information we provide is comprehensive, routinely updated and, most important, unbiased. Other “free” higher education websites are advertiser supported. This influences and limits the content you see. We believe your commitment of time, energy and money to researching online degrees is too important to limit your options to only programs sponsored by the biggest advertisers.

What degree types are available in the Online Degree Database™?

Our available program page lists the online degrees available in the Online Degree Database. Check back frequently, as we are constantly adding new programs to the database.

Can I just search for online degree programs on my own?

You can, but it is a time consuming process that usually produces limited results. If you’re searching online, you’ll miss many excellent programs that don’t appear in top search engine listings. Once you identify specific programs, you’ll need to search each university’s website for the information you need to evaluate the programs. You can save significant resources by using our data.